Me & Friends ( Level II Combination )
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Science blindfold technique (vibration) |
Well .. what I want to express in this paper Pencak Silat Merpati Putih, because I never follow the exercises in this association, and until now the association constant Merpati Putih is still standing and still continues to grow along with the development of the era, unlike other martial arts associations appear and drowning due to management problems or abandoned their members. Pencak Silat Merpati Putih is that put forward the noble mind, low self-esteem, Nationalism of the Indonesian nation, is seen in uniform and accessories that have a sense of nationalist, Merpati Putih flexible martial arts is not monotonous in his native teachings, Merpati Putih allow his students to his knowledge beyond adsense context association, for the creation of scientific perfection owned each student, this may be one that the university Merpati Putih still developing until now,
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technique punches inanimate objects |
Merpati Putih also taught and studied for the Military in Indonesia, such as Kopassus (Indonesian Special Forces), to equip the army has a special defense without using weapons.
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Indonesian Special Forces |
watch d' Video :
Not only in Indonesia, Merpati Putih able to penetrate through to various countries such as America, Japan and the Netherlands this is one proof that the association is able to survive till now and has thousands of students are active or inactive.
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Symbol Level and material in Merpati Putih :
1. Basic I
2. Basic II
3. Reverse I
4. Reverse II
5. Combination I
6. Combination II
7. Special I (Special Hand)
8. Special II (Special Feet)
9. Special III (Special Entities)
10. Refresher
11. Core I
12. Core II
1. Basic I
2. Basic II
3. Reverse I
4. Reverse II
5. Combination I
6. Combination II
7. Special I (Special Hand)
8. Special II (Special Feet)
9. Special III (Special Entities)
10. Refresher
11. Core I
12. Core II
1. Basic Level I
Is a candidate member of Merpati Putih. Education 6 months old with a degree in the form of a white belt and not wearing the symbol size.
Educational materials and training:
a. Martial arts techniques:
• Step, basic motion, and a series of basic movements in place.
• The series of movement direction and practical motion
b. Breathing Exercises for Basic I
c. Material Testing:
• Technique martial.
• Power, with the material: at least 10-20 km away, and beating hard object (a line of 20 cm diameter concrete and three series of tiles). Two targets are held twice breath.

6 months old with an education level of red belt and large size of the symbol.
a. Martial arts techniques
• Motion base
• range of motion: the motion in place, directing, motion bound, in pairs.
• The basics of hassle-free.
c. Material Testing:
· Engineering martial arts, a series of motion and hassle-free.
· Power, with the material: run as far as 10-20 km and the beating of two concrete fruit diameter of 30 cm and an unstable position pieces of concrete with stable position. Two goals in two breaths.

6 months old with an education level of red belt and a symbol of big and small sizes.
Educational materials and training:
a. Martial arts techniques
• Basic Motion.
• range of motion: Direction, bound, practical, hassle-free, in pairs, and the capture key.b. Breathing Exercises for Back Level I.
c. Material Testing:
· Engineering martial bound and free range of motion and hassle-free.
· Power with material to run 10-20 miles and beating the three main objectives, block of ice with Posisis labile with a single breath.
4. Beyond Level II
6 months old with an education level of a red sash, the symbol of small size, and a red ribbon with black trim.
Materials Education and Training:
a. Martial arts techniques:
• Movement of the hands and feet.
• range of motion: bound, practical, free, and in pairs.
• Fights free.
b. Breathing Exercises for Back II.
The ability to destroy five targets with a single breath. The main target of stone stable position and material variations of the basic level I up behind I.
c. Material Testing:
• Martial Techniques: a series of motion and hassle-free.
• Power: run as far as 10-20 km and beating the main target of a stone with a stable position.

9-month long education and dedication during the 12 month period with a level of red belt, a symbol of small and large sizes, and the orange ribbon.
a. Martial arts techniques
• The series of bound motion
• locks and practical defensive movements.
• Repetition of motion circuits.
• Fights free.
b. Breathing Exercises to Combination I.
The ability to destroy seven goals in a single breath. The main target of stone unstable position and material variations in the levels of I s / d level II Behind the pump additional material dragon.
c. Personal Vibration.
d. Knowledge of the nerves to handle the training.
e. Material Testing:
• martial technique, hassle-free, capture a series of locks and motion are bound.
• Staff, with material to run 10-20 miles and beating the main target of stone unstable position.

9-month long education and dedication during the 12 month period with a level of red belt, a symbol of small and large sizes, as well as yellow ribbons.
Materials Education and Training:
a. Martial arts techniques:
• locks and practical movement offensively. Motion circuits hassle-free.
b. Breathing Exercises for Combination II.
The ability to destroy nine goals in a single breath. The main target of double dragon pumps stable position and material variations in the levels of I s / d level I. Combination
c. Natural Vibrations.
d. Material Testing:
• Martial Technique (all levels of basic martial arts techniques I s / d combination I
• Motion instinct
• Power: 10-20 km run and beating the main target of double dragon pump with a stable position.

Education a year old with a degree of red belts with the symbol of small and large sizes, as well as green ribbon.
Materials Education and Training:
a. Martial arts techniques:
• range of motion.
• special techniques hand motion.
• Introduction and mastery of the game short of weapons.
b. Breathing Exercises for Special I.
9 The ability to destroy targets with the breath for a moment. The main goal of a stable position steel and material variations in the levels of I s / d level of Combination II.
c. Vibration: motion instinct.
d. Material Testing:
• Technique martial.
• Beating as steel.

Education a year old with a red belt level, the symbol of small and large sizes, as well as blue ribbon.
Materials Education and Training:
a. Martial arts techniques:
• Games at close range.
• Introduction and mastery of the game is flexible and long arms.
b. Breathing Exercises for Special II.
c. Vibration.
d. Material Testing:
Martial arts technique and power. Deployment of forces with the bouncy leg 1.5 times the body with a direction to the left, to right, front, and rear.

9. Special Level III (Special entities)
Education a year old with a degree red belts with the symbol of small and large sizes, and ribbon color indigo.

Education a year old with a degree in the form of a red sash, the symbol of small and large sizes, as well as purple ribbons.

Education a year old with a degree in the form of a red sash, the symbol of small and large sizes, and white ribbons.

Education a year old with a degree in the form of a red sash, the symbol of small and large sizes, as well as red and white ribbon.
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